“Final Jeopardy!” It stirs up debate following the competitor’s conflict

Danger!His latest game raises a curious question about Finals Danger! The responses after a player catches the attention of fans.

On the June 15 episode, one-day champion Holly Hassel, an English teacher from Fargo, North Dakota, faced Reston, Virginia marketing manager Suzanne Goldlust and Burlington, Vermont math teacher Kiran MacCormick . During the fast game, Suzanne took a solid lead over her competitors, leaving little to the imagination with the final Danger! rolled around and she had $17,700 in the bank, a comfortable lead over Holly’s $8,000 and Kiran’s $5,600.

Kiran on

(Credit: Jeopardy!, Inc.)

But with the Finale Danger! provided a cue from the category “US Government,” they were left to answer the corresponding question: “Established in 1983, this congressional panel was still issuing subpoenas in 1969 and eventually ceased to exist 6 years later. “

The correct answer was “What is HUAC or the House Un-American Activities Committee?” The big debate during the finale had to do with Kiran’s incorrect answer from the “House Un-American Activities Committee”. The misuse of “Commission” brought Kiran up short, but his opponents Holly and Suzanne opted for the abbreviation “HUAC”, which some fans claim is incorrect, according to their social commentary on Twitter.

While some argue that the use of the abbreviation does not prove that the players know it is “committee” versus “commission”, while others compare it to Danger! responses involving surnames versus full names. While the rules of the game fully apply in this case, do fans have an argument for a rule change in the future?

Watch their debate below, and let us know what you think of the result in the comments below.

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