Mere Sai Episode 20 June 2023 Update: Rukmini Raises Voice Against Kulkarni

Mere Sai 20th June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Rukmini stops Kulkarni and prays to Sai to feel your presence please be with me. Rukmini says to Kulkarni I respect you the most as you are my husband but Sai is my God and your behavior towards Sai is not good and I feel bad as a wife and as a devotee even I want people to respect you, but not because they. you are scared and that is what sai is trying to teach you why you always fight with him. Kulkarni abuses Rukmini and says how dare you raise your voice against me, first Keshav and now you, you think I am wrong, I didn’t punish you thinking you are mother in law and grandmother but you don’t deserve this. Kulkarni about to hit Rukmini, he unable to move his stick and Rukmini sees Sai saving her. Rukmini smiles looking at Sai. Kulkarni is confused about what Rukmini is looking at. Sai leaves. Kulkarni tells Rukmini that they know this is Sai’s black magic. Rukmini leaves smiling. Kulkarni says today Sai intervened again in my family matter and now I will not let his house be built.

Baizmaa and Baji with Tatya. Tatya says I m scared Aai. Baizmaa says don’t worry, rest now, I will take you to Sai tomorrow. Sai come in and say why you’re waiting until tomorrow. Sai sits next to Tatya and says I was thinking about you so I came to see you. Baizmaa says look at Tatya, there is no improvement. Sai asks Tatya to rest her head on his lap like she did as a child. Tatya tells Sai that more than his health, he is worried about Sai leaving them and is scared for the future without Sai.
Sai asks Tatya not to spoil her present thinking about the future and tells her to stay calm for few days and stay strong because time is difficult and you may regret later so stay calm.

Children with Baji, ask him how he is here when father is not well. Baji says because I promised you and Sai is here for Tatya. The children wait for Prahlad and insist on drinking mangoes. Baji says since Prahlad had said yes let’s get mangoes and then I will tell Prahlad. The gardener sees Baji and accuses him of stealing. Baji says Prahlad called him on a Monday. Gardener says today is Sunday and so you are lying let’s go to Kulkarni. The children run away. Baji tricks the gardener and leaves.

Sai sees some construction workers having food. Sai sees a laborer eating dry roti and when the laborer starts praying, Sai puts sabzi and rice on the plate. Labor gets confused and sees Sai and thanks Sai.

In Dwarka Mai, Malchapati asks Tatya how she is feeling. Tatya says better. Come in. A man with his blind son goes to Sai and asks Him to cure his son’s eyes. Sai gets some uddhi and blows in his eyes and the son starts seeing Sai and thanks Sai. Slowly people start coming to Sai asking Him to help them with their problems and Sai helps them. Malchapati tells Shama that I feel many people are coming these days and this time it seems Sai is in a hurry and so many people are calling. Kulkarni enters and starts abusing Sai. Baizmaa asks Kulkarni to stop this. Kulkarni calls Baizmaa and the whole family thief and tells them about Baji stealing mangoes. Tatya gets angry. Shama says Baji is a child and there are only few mangoes. Kulkarni says shut up and Baji was with a whole gang to steal mangoes and keeps abusing Sai.
Tatya says enough, you can’t talk to Sai in this tone and my son can never steal. Kulkarni says ask the gardener. The gardener tells Tatya that Baji was there with the children and stole the mangoes and then ran away.
Kulkarni calls everyone from Dwarka Mai thieves raised by Sai and leaves. Everyone starts discussing how Kulkarni is wrong to create such a big problem of few mangoes. Sai asks Tatya not to lose her cool. Tatya gets angry and leaves. Sai asks Baizmaa to stay here and goes to check on Tatya.

Pre-cap: Pre-cap: Kulkarni pushes Rukmini. Keshav says to Kulkarni when I was a child, I once saw you raising your hand to my mother but not now. Kulkarni says I will do whatever I want. Keshav says in that case me and mom leave this house.
At worst, Tatya’s health says my time is up Aai, but I don’t want to go. Baizmaa and everyone gets scared.

Credit update to: Tanaya

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