Actress Kaveri Priyam reflects on International Yoga Day; calls Yoga a source of calm and peace

Actress Kaveri Priyam reflects on International Yoga Day; calls Yoga a source of calm and peace

Kaveri Priyam, known for her outstanding portrayal of Amrita in ‘Dil Diyaan Gallaan’, was widely appreciated for bringing Amrita’s vibrant personality to life. Through her character, she embodies strength, independence, and the ability to navigate life’s complexities with grace and poise.

In a recent interview, when asked about the meaning of fitness, Kaveri shared her perspective, saying, “Fitness, to me, is about achieving a healthy balance in the body, mind and heart. Mental fitness is just as essential as physical fitness. When you have a healthy mind, it becomes easier to achieve physical well-being.”

Delving into the role of yoga in her fitness journey, Kaveri emphasizes its importance in promoting holistic well-being, encompassing both the physical and mental aspects of fitness. Yoga, she believes, has the incredible power to instill calm and serenity, allowing individuals to relax and find inner peace. Of particular importance to her are the breathing exercises that accompany yoga, facilitating meditation and introspection. This connection between yoga and mental fitness is vital because they are closely related, nurturing a harmonious union.

Curious about Kaveri’s favorite yoga asanas, she reveals her regular practice of various breathing exercises like Kapal Bhati. These exercises offer flexibility as they can be incorporated at any time of the day. Additionally, Kaveri emphasizes the importance of Surya Namaskar in her routine, an asana she thoroughly enjoys and practices constantly. Surya Namaskar, also known as Sun Salutation, offers complete benefits and serves as a complete exercise in itself. Even on busy days or when time is limited, Kaveri makes sure to incorporate Surya Namaskar into her schedule either before or after the shooting sessions for ‘Dil Diyaan Gallaan’. This dedication allows him to experience the benefits equivalent to practicing yoga for an hour or two.

International Yoga Day serves as a reminder of the transformative power that yoga holds for people seeking physical and mental wellness. Kaveri Priyam’s embrace of yoga exemplifies its ability to bring peace and harmony to one’s life, making it an integral part of one’s fitness journey.

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