Katherine Kelly Lang talks Brooke/Taylor Split and Andrea Bocelli’s guest spot

katherine kelly lang talks brooke/taylor split and andrea bocelli’s guest spot

Soaps are about dramatic consequences and romance and The Bold and the Beautiful set the stage for both to play out thanks to his recent trip to Rome. The show is airing footage from that location this week on the half hour CBS soap opera.

Is a Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) and Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang) reunion coming? This is certainly possible now that the pact Brooke made with Taylor (Krista Allen) for none of them to follow Ridge is over. How can there not be some romance for B&B the duo “destined” now that they spend time together in Rome?

StrippedPixel spoke with Lang about a potential Ridge/Brooke reunion, what ended the “Braylor” pact, and a special guest Andrea Bocelliwho are set to serenade the star-crossed lovers later this week.

How was the trip to Rome?

Katherine Kelly Lang: Was awesome. It seems to have come and gone so quickly. It was a fast and furious trip, but it was so wonderful to shoot in one of the most romantic cities in the world. I am so excited to watch the episodes.

Did you get to sightsee while you were there or did you get to sightsee while recording?

It came along with remote shooting. I didn’t have that much time. When we arrived, we did a full day of press and then we started filming. I shot all day. I had some free time. I have been to Rome so many times that I have been lucky enough to see so much. Just being in Rome and walking around is so nice. I fired in front of the cannon (on Janiculului Hill), which goes off every day. And (we shot at) the Coliseum, of course. One day we had a special private tour. It was just us (from the show) in the Coliseum. I always like to go there when I visit.

What do you like about the Colosseum?

It is so majestic. It’s amazing. It’s incredible – all the history behind it and how it’s been maintained over the years. It is truly amazing. You feel it when you’re down there.

What else did you do in Italy?

I visited the Benheart store in Florence. (Note: Lang runs a Benheart store in Beverly Hills.) I did an ad for another company about health and wellness. I was busy all the time and then I flew home. It was fun.

Ridge and Brooke’s trip to Rome would not have been the same in terms of potential romance if Taylor and Brooke’s pact was still in place. What do you think about Taylor and Brooke ending their friendship?

I do not know. It seemed (to be over) pretty quickly. I understand they are breaking up. I was at an impasse. Everything (between them) was too good to be true.

Brooke feels that Taylor broke the pact first. Why doesn’t Brooke see Ridge’s kiss under the mistletoe in December as a breach of the pact?

Well, first of all, we were encouraged by Pam (Alley Mills) and Charlie (Dick Christie). I can hardly remember myself. It wasn’t a big deal. It was a little nibble. It wasn’t a big romantic kiss. It didn’t cross the line. It wasn’t like, “Oh, the pact has been destroyed!” The other thing people commented on was (more recently) when Brooke was in her underwear. Ridge (was at her house and) said he was going to finish his drink and leave (after Brooke went upstairs). Half an hour or so later, he is yet There. Brooke was in her nightgown, but nothing happened. Brooke refused. Nothing happened. If Brooke had let something happen (then), something would have happened.

Brooke blew up over Taylor trying to get back with Ridge and make it up to Deacon (Sean Kanan) and Hollis (Hollis W. Chambers). That was all Brooke needed to face the inevitable reality.

Brooke was coming from where she saw Taylor trying to set her up with these guys – Deacon and Hollis. Brooke felt that Taylor betrayed her. Taylor felt Brooke betrayed her for not telling Taylor how she felt about Thomas yet (Matthew Atkinson). But having a pact with someone doesn’t mean telling the other person everything. Brooke was trying to manage her family. (Braylor) was always going to go sideways anyway.

So… we’re going to have some romance in Rome.

Oh sure.

Andrea Bocelli is going to serenade Brooke and Ridge. What was it like working with him and his wife, Veronica?

Amazing. Andrea is so amazing. I love listening to his music and going to his concerts. He has such a wonderful family. Veronica is wonderful. I met the whole family. It’s nice to have it from him B&B and have him do some scenes. It was amazing, honestly. The scenes will speak for themselves.

The show never has a celebrity for a guest spot unless it ties into the story.

It was the perfect time. It coincided with the trip to Rome. Everything went. Many thanks to Veronica and Andrea. It was incredible.

What’s special about it? B&B Remote?

They all are, but this remote is absolutely beautiful. Presents Rome. You will see beautiful views. We love that our viewers come with us – it’s a great way to see Rome through the eyes of the characters.

The Bold and the BeautifulWeekdays, CBS

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