Mere Sai June 21, 2023 Written Episode Update: Tatya’s health deteriorates.

Mere Sai 21st June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Tatya walks towards Baji in anger and sees mangoes in his hands and children. Tatya asks did you steal these mangoes from Kulkarni’s farms? Baji says these are from Kulkarni’s farm but I… Tatya slaps him and says because of you Kulkarni insulted the whole family and Sai. You let us down today and slap Baji. Tatya starts coughing and sits down. Sai and Keshav walk beside Tatya. Sai tells Tatya that I told you to handle situations with patience. Keshav tells Tatya that Kulkarni didn’t tell the whole truth. Prahlad had allowed Baji to take mangoes and he had asked Baji to do it for his students and Baji just went on a Sunday by mistake instead of a Monday. Sai tells Tatya that you have lost faith in your growth in your anger. Tatya apologizes to Baji. Baji says you never listen to me, how did you think I will steal, don’t trust me. Keshav stood with his son against his own father but you trusted Kulkarni and not me, you slapped me in front of everyone and you will never forgive yourself. Baji leaves. Tatya’s health worsens.

Baji very angry stands aside. Sai goes to Baji and says I understand you are upset but that doesn’t mean you are forgetting your responsibilities. Baji asks why did Baba slap me, I am so hurt by his behavior and you ask me not to be angry. Sai asks Baji to think about his father, he must be suffering more than you. Baji says I don’t think so. Sai says its fine, forgive him and move on. Baji says I will not do it. Sai says well do me a favor and read this article on Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Baji reads about Gandhiji’s principles of nonviolence. Sai tells Baji, learn from Gandhiji and then you will see the difference. Baji leaves.

Sai visits the construction site. He sees two workers discussing the lack of water. Sai asks him for some water. The worker offers water to Sai. Sai in his bowl starts giving everyone water to quench their thirst and there is still water in the bowl. Sai fills the pot with water even after sharing it with everyone and says whenever you are thirsty take water from this pot. It will never end.
Sai tells Bapu Saheb that he has a big idol of Lord Krishna in the house and this should happen before Dusshera too.
Kulkarni reaches the construction site and says Butti Vada will not be built here.

Baji sees Baizmaa trying to give Tatya Udhi to him, but he denies saying that he regrets his behavior towards Baji, even as Sai warned me to be careful. Baizmaa sees Sai’s health getting worse and says please don’t punish yourselves. Baji rushes to Tatya and says please don’t say all this and hugs Tatya and says first time you were so angry and I didn’t know how to handle it and now I know there was a reason in behind the anger and punishing yourself. i punish myself Please have this Udhi. Baji gives Tatya Udhi.

Kulkarni says illegal construction is not allowed in Shirdi and as chief here I am stopping this illegal construction. Kaka Saheb asks Kulkarni who told him that this construction is illegal. Kulkarni says you have proof that this land belongs to Sai. Shama says no, you are doing this out of hate, but we will not stop this construction. Tell tell Kulkarni, I told you, you can’t stop this construction. Kulkarni asks his men to destroy the construction. Sai touches the walls and puts current in them. Kulkarni’s men feel the shock and retreat and flee. Sai tells Kulkarni that you don’t have to try again as we have answers to all your questions. Nana Saheb comes with Nagarpalika papers and members. Nana Saheb says Kulkarni is new so these members will help him understand the rules. Nana Saheb says here are land ownership documents transferred to Sai. Nana Saheb says that if anyone has any more problems, they can talk to the British government.
Kulkarni goes to Sai and says don’t think I will stop, I won’t give up and Kulkarni leaves.

Sai tensely leaves the construction site.

Pre-cap: Pre-cap: Kulkarni pushes Rukmini. Keshav says to Kulkarni when I was a child, I once saw you raising your hand to my mother but not now. Kulkarni says I will do whatever I want. Keshav says in that case me and mom leave this house.
At worst, Tatya’s health says my time is up Aai, but I don’t want to go. Baizmaa and everyone gets scared.

Credit update to: Tanaya

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