Anupama June 21, 2023 Written Episode Update: Barkha refuses to shelter Dimpy

Anupama 21st June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Barkha gets a message from Dimpy that she and Samar want to move to the Kapadia house. She thinks that already Anuj and Maaya are staying in the house and if Dimpy and Samar also move here, this house will become a zoo, there is a lot of tension in her life and she can’t face any more stress, Dimpy has to stay in the house Shah. . Dimpy reads the message that she should stay at Shah’s house at any cost as it is beneficial for her. Anupama tries to leave Shah’s house. Dimpy apologizes to Anupama and says she can’t control her anger but she will mend her ways and learn the ways of this house. Anupama asks him to apologize to Leela as he misbehaved with her and this house also belongs to Leela. Dimpy apologizes to Leela and says that she should let them stay in her house as family means a lot to them and they can’t stay away from family. Leela is silent. Dimpy thinks he has to convince her somehow. Barkha sends paghphera shagun to Leela, calls her and says she called to invite Dimpy to the paghphera ritual. Leela says she will send Dimpy. Barkha says if Samar is busy she can send Dimpy with Pakhi. Leela asks how she knows Pakhi is here. Dimpy says she informed Barkha. Anupama says Dimpy can go with Pakhi and warns Dimpy to behave with her nanad/SIL at Shah’s house. He further warns Samar and Dimpy that if they misbehave with anyone again, he will make a short trip from America and throw them out of the house.

Update in progress

Credit update to: MA

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